Sorry it has been so long since my last post. We went home to East Texas for a whirlwind trip. Mason, Jordan (she's staying a couple of weeks with us during her summer break), and I drove back in on Monday. Drew had to stay over for a business meeting in Tyler - he got home late last night. Unfortunately, I left my camera at Drew's parents' home but he brought it home.
We spent all day Saturday at Drew's parents' home. Here are a few pics of Mason with his PopPop and his Big Unc. Once again I somehow managed not to get any pics of the girls or Grammy! Sunday we spent the day with my parents. We went to Shreveport to visit Nana. I was hoping to see our relatives from Florida but there had postponed their arrival until Monday (of course!). I got to briefly see Dad, Miles, and Mitchell - and again managed not to get any photos of them. But here are a couple with Grandpa Joe and Jordan.
I married my wonderful husband in May 2003. We both grew up in rural East Texas and after five years of dating tied the knot. We lived in Houston for a few years before moving to the Tulsa, OK area, but now we're back in Houston. We recently had our second son. It's hard to believe that we're a family of four now.
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