Today we decided to take the short drive to the Okmulgee, Oklahoma for their Annual Pecan Festival. Each year the city hosts the pecan festival and they make something giant using pecans (cookies, brownies, etc.) - they hold the Guinness World Record for the largest pecan pie measuring over 40 feet in diameter. That's a big pie! Anyway, they "bake" their product overnight and then sell pieces the next day. By the time we got there this years pie was already gone (it probably measured 8 feet in diameter). What a difference a day can make in the weather - it was soooo hot and humid but we made the best of it. Jordan took in a couple carnival rides on the midway while we tried to find some shade. We did see the most interesting game of tug of war I believe I've ever witnessed. It was between area fire departments and they were using fire hoses to move an empty keg along a cable. The team that moved the keg the farthest in the opposite direction won. It was interesting to watch to say the least, and the mist coming from the fire hoses wasn't that bad either!Empty pie tin!
Jordan waiting for the ride to begin
Fireman's Tug-of-War
Mason & Mommy
After spending a couple hours at the pecan festival we decided to call it quits and head home. We rested at the house for a bit and were still feeling adventurous so we decided to try to take in a movie. Since we would have Mason with us we opted on a child friendly flick, Shrek 3, at the local theater (cheap seats). Not quite as funny as the previous Shreks, but we weren't repulsed by it. It was a good laugh. I mean, this is the first time Drew and I have been to the movies in nearly 9 months - seriously, Taladega Nights was the last movie we saw in the theater! We got to the theater early so that we could get a seat on the end of the isle at the back of the theater in the event one of us would have to make a hasty exit with a screaming infant. We didn't want to be those people at the movie! Mason was a champ - he was a little "talkative" during the previews jabbering away, but he fell asleep as soon as the movie started and slept through the entire thing. He woke up a little confused when we were leaving, but never cried. Thank God!
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