Empty pie tin!
Fireman's Tug-of-War

Mason & Mommy
After spending a couple hours at the pecan festival we decided to call it quits and head home. We rested at the house for a bit and were still feeling adventurous so we decided to try to take in a movie. Since we would have Mason with us we opted on a child friendly flick, Shrek 3, at the local theater (cheap seats). Not quite as funny as the previous Shreks, but we weren't repulsed by it. It was a good laugh. I mean, this is the first time Drew and I have been to the movies in nearly 9 months - seriously, Taladega Nights was the last movie we saw in the theater! We got to the theater early so that we could get a seat on the end of the isle at the back of the theater in the event one of us would have to make a hasty exit with a screaming infant. We didn't want to be those people at the movie! Mason was a champ - he was a little "talkative" during the previews jabbering away, but he fell asleep as soon as the movie started and slept through the entire thing. He woke up a little confused when we were leaving, but never cried. Thank God!
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