Saturday, June 30, 2007
Petfest 2007

Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Happy 1/2 Birthday!

Saturday, June 23, 2007
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
New foods - new faces

For those of you wondering, we clearly got our electricity back on - after 14 hours without any. Drew finally picked up a generator, and it of course came back on while he was driving home from the store! There's quite a bit of wind damage in the neighborhood, but we lucked out!
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Happy Father's Day!

Saturday, June 16, 2007
Tulsarama 2007

Gran C came to visit

The point is these aren't isolated incidences. This is the way things are in our neighborhood - we look after each other. While I was pregnant neighbors would continually call or stop by just to check on me, especially if Drew was out of town. They bring us cookies when they have extras - especially when they make sugar cookies because they know they're Drew's favorites. They offer to babysit all the time! They are always loaning us tools! They remind us when the garage door is left open! They refer us to their doctors! They watch our house while we're out of town and get our mail for us or water our plants, and we reciprocate. It's really great having neighbors that care so much! It's like living in Mayberry! I love our neighborhood!
Sunday, June 10, 2007
First Trip to the Pool

Saturday, June 9, 2007
2007 Pecan Festival
Empty pie tin!
Fireman's Tug-of-War

Mason & Mommy
After spending a couple hours at the pecan festival we decided to call it quits and head home. We rested at the house for a bit and were still feeling adventurous so we decided to try to take in a movie. Since we would have Mason with us we opted on a child friendly flick, Shrek 3, at the local theater (cheap seats). Not quite as funny as the previous Shreks, but we weren't repulsed by it. It was a good laugh. I mean, this is the first time Drew and I have been to the movies in nearly 9 months - seriously, Taladega Nights was the last movie we saw in the theater! We got to the theater early so that we could get a seat on the end of the isle at the back of the theater in the event one of us would have to make a hasty exit with a screaming infant. We didn't want to be those people at the movie! Mason was a champ - he was a little "talkative" during the previews jabbering away, but he fell asleep as soon as the movie started and slept through the entire thing. He woke up a little confused when we were leaving, but never cried. Thank God!
Friday, June 8, 2007
Lions, Tigers, and Bears . . .
Next we stopped by the giraffe exhibit, but Mason was much more interested in his own giraffe than the live ones.
Later in the day we went to the sea lion demonstration - I really thought Mason would get a kick out of it, but he could have cared less. He was much more enthralled with the squawking flamingoes behind us. He was getting so excited watching them. He kept flailing his arms and laughing - wish I could have caught that on tape!

Wednesday, June 6, 2007
I didn't do anything
She'll nurse them for a while - EXHIBIT A
Then she'll get a little rough, slinging them about - EXHIBIT B
Then there's the total denial about what just transpired (as she unwittingly parades around the house with the evidence hanging from her mouth!) - EXHIBIT C