Wednesday, October 20, 2010
Gearing up for Halloween
Pumpkin Patch 2010
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Swim Lessons
Ian swimming to Mrs. Amber
So proud of himself
Mason swimming to Mrs. Amber
He made it!
First Day of School - August

Ian's 2nd Birthday
His "Deere Tractor" cake
His "Deere Tractor" cupcakes and farm animals "ducks"
Opening his gifts while Bella and Ashlynn look on
Blowing out his candles! He is getting so big!
Lake Hamilton - June
Father's Day Weekend 2010
While they were out on the water he was accidentally hooked in the palm of his hand. The were nearly a half hour from shore and no telling how far from the closest emergency room so they decided to remove it on the boat.
They couldn't pull it out because of the barb on the hook so Stephen P. cut it and they just pushed it on through. OUCH! This happened Sunday morning, and the boys and I didn't find out until after he got home that afternoon. He came in, loved on the boys, opened his Father's Day gifts, and then told me he probably needed to head to the ER to get a tetanus shot. It was only when I asked why that he told me what happened!
Monday, October 18, 2010
Sand Castle Competition - June 2010
Spring Program - May 2010
Singing with the entire preschool
"Singing" with just his class
Fishing at Gran C's
Mason's first fish
(PeePaw helped him get them off the hooks and throw them back)
Ian caught only one fish and we had to cut his hook off - it was best for everyone!
Notice in this pic he isn't even facing the water.
He kept flailing his rod everywhere, slinging mud on everyone and everything within a half-mile radius! But he was having fun!
Friday, October 15, 2010
Fishing Trip 2010
American Rose Garden - April 2010

The Leaning Tower of Death
Me: "Where did this come from?"
Mason: "My basket."
Me: "But your basket is on top of the refridgerator."
Mason: "I know."
I came downstairs to find this - The Leaning Tower of Death! That is a toy drum on top of wooden stool on top of a plastic picnic table.

I don't know what was more frightening - the fact that he could've really hurt himself or his ninja-like skills in building it. I never knew that he was even up and out of bed!
Easter 2010
Chillin' in the front yard
Checking out all the loot left behind by the Easter Bunny
Enjoying a fabulous chocolate covered marshmallow bunny
The boys made quite a mess with the "grass" from their baskets. Drew thought it would be easiest to just rake it with a yard rake! I later got the carpet broom and gathered up quickly.