Today Mason had his two year checkup. He currently weighs 28.5 pounds (50th percentile) and is 36.5 inches tall (90th percentile). The doc said that he looks great. He had to get just one shot today, and it was hard because he could actually articulate, "It huuuurrrrts!"
Ian also went in for his 6 month checkup and immunizations. He currently weighs 15 pounds 12 ounces (25th percentile) and he is 27.5 inches long (90th percentile). He only began eating rice cereal a couple of weeks ago, and he was only getting one serving a day until this week. Doc says he looks great too, and I'm confident he'll pack on the pounds as he begins to eat more solids.
As I look at both Mason and Ian I can hardly believe how quickly they are changing. I've posted short videos of photos of the boys from just the past year. They have both changed so much.
Mason's 2nd Year
Ian's First 6 Months
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