We stayed at my mother's house for Christmas this year and let me remind you that her bedroom is currently decorated in penguins for the holidays. Mason loves to follow his Gran C throughout the house, and did so one afternoon shortly after we got there. Now when I say her room is decorated in penguins keep in mind that she has like two dozen 10 inch penguins on her tree alone, a few 18 inch penguins scattered about, and two 3 foot tall penguins (one of which is close to her bedroom door). Well, Mason accidentally bumped into one of the big penguins, and in his little two year old mind he came to the conclusion that the penguin bit him! He began declaring that the "pengs" (as he calls them) are bad and they bite. I thought maybe if he could hold one of the baby "pengs" he would be okay, but it was a no go. We even tried showing him the penguin having fun in the firetruck, and even let him see Ian holding it. This elicited a strong reaction as well. "Ian, pengs! Pengs bite. Pengs bite. IAN!!" He was terrified to go near any of them for most of the week. Finally, at the end of the week he wanted to see the baby penguin but not touch it. I must say that they are very weird feeling so it may be a textural thing. He would, however, hit it with his toy cars, and laugh maniacally while doing so! He will still occasionally mention the pengs, especially if I'm talking to mom on the phone! I'm hoping he doesn't forever associate them with her.
Baby pengs like to drive the firetruck!
Baby pengs like to drive the firetruck!
Ian has no problems with the pengs!
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