Today is Ian's first birthday! We celebrated with a pool party at my mom's on July 4th. Tons of family showed up to beat the heat, and fun was had by all! A few photos from the festivities!
Rubber Duck Theme
Rubber Duck Theme
Getting some assistance from Mason while opening his gifts
Having a blast just beating on bags and boxes
He dove right into that cupcake
Yummmmmm! Drew and I were both in the pool following the party and managed not to get any picks of anyone while swimmming :(. Here are a couple of picks of Mom's pool post party.
Ian went to the doctor this week for his 12 month checkup. He weighed in at 21 lbs. 12 oz. (25th percentile) and measured 32.5 inches (90-95th percentile) in length. He can technically turn around in the car seat. Yay! Doc says he's still tall and skinny, and healthy as a horse. Yay! He only got one shot - the dreaded chicken pox vaccine. (Mason had an adverse reaction to this one, but so far so good for Ian.) He still only has two teeth (the bottom two). And while he still prefers to either cruise or crawl he is beginning to walk on his own. He'll take about 5 or 6 steps before he gets so excited he crashes to the floor! His favorite game is drop stuff from his high chair and proclaim, "UH-OH!" He LOVES to climb - he's our monkey, and he thinks he can do anything Mason can. He's just growing up so quickly!
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