This past weekend Drew and I went on our first trip without the kids. We met up with some friends from his high school and rented a cabin on Toledo Bend. It was great getting to see everyone and reminisce. We took in some time relaxing on the lake, fishing, tubing, a lot of guitar hero in the evenings, and a few mean games of spoons! I was bleeding after the first "practice" round! AHHH, good times.
My mother kept the boys and this was my first time to go anywhere without them. The only time Mason has ever been away from me overnight was when I was in the hospital after having Ian. It was very bittersweet. I had a lot of fun but at the same time I was a nervous wreck worrying about them - not that I was worried Mom couldn't handle them, but I just worried how they would handle the situation. They were great! And as a side note, Mom informed me that our retarded dog can't swim!! While the fam played in the pool she got so worked up on the sidelines that she just bailed off into the deep end and totally freaked out. But apparently, she didn't learn anything and kept doing it. Goofy dog. Can you teach a dog to swim? Looks like we'll be getting her a new life jacket!
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