Mason is virtually potty trained - we rarely have an accident now. It's taken a few months, but he's been doing great. He's in cotton underwear most of the time now. I still put him in a pull up for nap and bedtime, but he wakes up from both dry most times. We took our first road trip a couple of weekends ago, and our driving time home increased by a full hour and a half but when he says he has to go we try to take him seriously. Many people have asked if he goes #2 on the potty, and he does. He gets a special treat (marshmellow or M&M) when he does, and he only gets special treats for #2. Notice in the pic below that while he's taking care of business he is also reading a Diesel magazine and eating a tortilla. Classic!

Taken with Drew's cell phone

Taken with Drew's cell phone
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