Monday, August 13, 2007

Where to begin

I apologize that it has been so long since my last post. The Dyer household has been pretty chaotic the past couple of weeks. Drew has been traveling and I've been busy working from home. So I haven't had the time to blog for a while, but I'll try to bring you up to speed.

Pretty much since Mason was born I have had this reoccuring pain in my right side. I initially thought it was from the labor and delivery; then I realized it had been seven months and I probably needed to have it checked out. So I finally went to the doctor a couple of weeks ago. The doc thought it might be my gallbladder so they referred me for an ultrasound, and the ultrasound revealed "sludge" in my gallbladder. I then had a HIDA scan done, and it revealed that my gallbladder isn't ejecting normally. So I have a consult with a surgeon scheduled for week after next to see if he feels like it needs to be removed .

When I initially went to the doctor about the pain, I also reported a pain in my foot that I've been having as well. After a few x-rays, the prognosis was a POSSIBLE stress fracture (nothing showed conclusively on the x-ray), so I left the doc's office with an AWESOME orthopedic shoe. It was hideous, but it felt good. I wore the shoe for two weeks, went back for another x-ray, which didn't reveal anything either. The foot diagnosis is a probable inflamed tendon. So I have to keep icing it and taking ibuprophen as necessary.

Enough about me - Mason is doing great! He's growing like a weed. He still isn't crawling yet, but continues to roll all over the place. I've caught him scooting backwards a few times, and he'll try to creep forward (especially to get something he wants - Dixie, his bottle, a toy, etc.). He'll push off of whatever furniture is around to propel himself forward too. He is saying, "Dada" now, and he's trying to say "Dixie" - it comes out "Di." He never ceases to amaze me. He's getting fussy right now, so I need to put him down for his nap.