Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bath Time Fun

Mason taking his bath in the kitchen sink! He loves it. I love that toothless grin! (Nope, he still doesn't have any teeth.)

Paws in the Park 2007

This morning we participated in the Paws in the Park fundraising event for the Humane Society of Tulsa. We had a lot of fun. We walked in the dog walk and Dixie participated in the "Best Licker" ice cream eating contest. Surprisingly, she didn't place - top honors went to a dog named Homer Simpson (should have known he'd have an appetite). This event was much better than pet fest. There were hundreds of dogs, and lots of booths and activities. Dixie did a great job of getting along with everyone, and Mason got a kick out of seeing all the different dogs.

Registering for the one mile dog walk.

Waiting in line to walk.

Taking a break after the walk. Mason was as tired as Dixie.

Resting in the grass, and cleaning up any snacks Mason dropped.

Waiting for the ice cream contest to begin.

Given her history of inhaling food, we just knew she'd take this contest.

She gave it her best, but, unfortunately, she wasn't fast enough to place.

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's allergy season

Oh, the ragweed is terrible right now, and poor Mason has hayfever! We spent all day outside Saturday - it was such a beautiful day but it has taken a toll on us. The pictures below were taken of Mason today. Poor fella!

He has a runny nose and itchy, watery eyes.

This photo was taken after a sneeze.

Juice seems to help his spirits.

Allergies haven't kept him from playing with one of his new favorite things - Dixie's crate. He likes to open and close the metal door to make noise.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

It had to come out!

Well, I got the results of my HIDA scan a few weeks ago, and the result was no obstructions but a very low ejection rate. So I had a consult with a surgeon, and he thought it would be in my best interest to remove my gallbladder. So we did, last Friday. It was laparoscopic surgery. I went into the hospital at 6:30am, first incision ocurred at 8:45am, I was in recovery by 9:30am, and back at home around noon minus a gallbladder. Everything went smoothly, and I was advised that I did actually have stones that did not show up on the previous tests. My mother came into town to help care for Mason. (Dad and Miles came in earlier in the week to visit, and that was really nice. It was Miles' first trip "over here" to Oklahoma! I think he had a good time.) Dad and Miles left Friday morning, and Mom stayed until Monday. Drew had Monday off, and he was able to work from home on Tuesday and Wednesday so that he could help care for Mason while I tried to rest. The biggest challenge has been picking Mason up and putting him in his bed. We had to lower his crib, and so I have to lean over pretty far to lay him down, and it can hurt to stretch that far. So far everything has been great - my incisions are looking good and I haven't had any real problems. I go back for my follow-up next week. So, hopefully, this will solve that!