( we call this the Snarls Barkley look)
(watching her tree from the comfort of the AC)
So I know I don't tell nearly as many Dixie stories as I used to since Mason came along, but that doesn't mean that she has slowed down any. She is always into something or rather eating something - socks, diapers, underwear, napkins, burp rags, bibs, shoes, etc., etc., etc. She definitely keeps me on my toes. Anyway, as you may or may not know she sleeps in our bedroom every night - not in the bed with us though. She has her own bed tucked into the corner along with a blanket and a couple of floor pillows that she likes to snuggle into. She also has a pretty set daily routine and around 9:30pm she is ready for bed, and if the bedroom door is closed she'll sit in the hallway and whine until someone opens it. It's not uncommon for her to go to bed before Drew and I on most nights.
Well, the other night I went to check on Mason and when I looked down the hall Dixie was lying on her bed, but her bed was pulled into the middle of the bedroom at the foot of our bed (at least 5 feet from where it should have been). I asked Drew if he moved her bed and he looked at me as I were crazy. He said he hadn't moved it so I told him to come look. She had apparently gotten tired of sleeping in the corner, and she moved her bed by herself. It was evident once we turned the light on - one corner was still folded under and the throw pillow were out of place, but she was curled up in a ball as content as could be glaring at us because we turned the light on. That dog - she never ceases to amaze me!