Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Mason is 4 years old! Can you believe it?

On Dec. 27th my little guy turned 4! I can hardly believe it myself. Last week we switched to a new pediatrician. We loved the old one, but it just doesn't make sense travel to the medical center when there are so many great doctors much closer to home. So anyway, Mason has his first well child visit with the new pedi. Aside from the 4 shots he had to get and the only-natural-and-much-anticipated freak out that accompanied them, he did great! Passed his vision and hearing with flying colors! (I had to take Ian with us, and I swear he was much more anxious than Mason was throughout the entire visit, and he wasn't even being examined!)

After we got home from the appointment I decided to interview Mason (I totally stole the idea from my friend, Janice), and that's what I really want to share you today! Enjoy!

Mason's 4 Year Old Interview

1. How does it feel to be 4 years old?
Older and bigger

2. What is the most important thing you've learned in life so far?
How to talk when I was a baby.

3. How do you think you're different from a year ago?

4. What's your favorite thing about yourself?
I'm strong and big like Tron people. (I honestly, don't know where this came from!)

5. Who is your best friend?
Joshua. My girls are my best friend cousins, and Ian is my best friend brother. (He collectively refers to Ashlynn, Ainsley, and Bella as "my girls").

6. What do you like learning about?
How to be good.

7. Tell me about your family.
You, Daddy, Ian, and Dixie are my family, and I love y'all over the moon.

8. Tell me something about each member of your family?
Daddy fixes toys. Ian shares his toys. Momma helps find my toys. Dixie quits barking.

9. What's your favorite book?
Thidwick the Big-Hearted Moose and Space Case

10. What's your favorite movie?
Toy Story, Cars, and Mater's Tall Tales (he couldn't pick just one)

11. What's your favorite music?
Christmas music and Snazzy

12. What's your favorite tv show?
Billy the Exterminator - he sucks roaches up in a vacuum and kills bees!

13. What's your favorite cartoon to watch?
Phineas and Ferb (it's a passion he shares with his father) and Cat in the Hat

14. What's your favorite word?
poo poo (I answered this one for him because he tries to use it in every situation possible!)

15. What's your favorite toy?
Buzz Lightyear and Monster Truck Mater

16. What's your favorite candy?
Gummy candies and hot mints from Sonic

17. What's your favorite food?
Pizza with circle pepperoni & cheese (When conforted about the fact that he threw a screaming fit a few days earlier because we didn't go out to eat Mexican food he changed his response.) I do love a cheese enchilada!

18. What would you do if you had a whole day to do whatever you wanted to do? Play

19. What do you want to be when you grow up?
Buzz Lightyear, Space Ranger

20. Do you think you'll ever get married?
Like Mary & Joseph? NO!

21. What have you learned about girls?
Coloring with them - they like pink and purple, and they play with dolls.

22. Are you scared of anything?
Nightmares; thunder, and lightening, but not Lightning McQueen

23. Anything else you want people to know about you?
I'm 4!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Mason's 4th Birthday Party

I can't believe it! My baby is already 4 (well almost)! We did Mason's birthday party a couple of weeks early because we're always visiting relatives on his actual birthday (12/27). This year he really wanted to invite his friends and I was in agreement so we decided to have it at The Little Gym. It was incredible. We had the whole place to ourselves, and three instructors to lead the kiddos in various activities. I was tired from just watching them!
Anyone that knows Mason, knows how much he LOVES the Cars characters, and for months he has been asking for a Monster Truck Mater birthday cake. I failed to picked up the cars prior to the holiday rush, and when I went searching I couldn't find any. I finally found these at, but of course, they were on backorder and weren't scheduled to get here until after Christmas. They arrived, however, only a week later so - YAY!
Monster Truck Mater Cake

Mason and his friends

Hanging from the high bar!

Getting ready to open his gifts

I know that he had a fabulous time. He kept sincerely thanking us for his party.
He really is a sweet kiddo! And he is getting so big!

Christmas Trees

I got the trees up early this year, actually the week before Thanksgiving. I knew we'd be away and I wanted it all ready whenever we got back. This year each of the boys has their own tree inn their bedrooms.
Ian has a Cowboy themed tree

Mason's is decorated with multi-colored balls & icicles

Looking at the outdoor lights from Ian's bedroom window

Preschool Program

That following Wed. Mason's preschool had their annual Preschool Christmas Program. In the days leading up to this, Mason kept telling me, "I'll go, and I'll get on stage, but I'm NOT singing." He was just as adamant that evening so I didn't even take the video camera, and the camera I did have with doesn't do videos. So, of course, the little guy sang his heart out the entire time, and fully participated with all the hand motions and everything!
He found us in the crowd

Making faces with his friend Alex

The 3 & 4 year old classes

Breakfast with Santa 2010

On Dec. 4th our subdivision did Breakfast with Santa again. The boys were so excited about it in the days leading up to it, but in all actually they didn't have much love for the big guy when the day came.
Mason just found out he's on the naughty list!

Not really - he just didn't want anything to do with Santa on this particular day. We were finally about to coax him up into the chair. He still isn't very happy, and he just told Santa that he wants "lots of things." Ian did tell (rather yelled at) Santa that he wants a bike!

I had to get a pic of the boys with Santa's Helper. I wonder how long this guy has been in the biz!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Jess' Birthday

This year Drew and I celebrated my birthday with shopping and dinner out. When we got back home we found that our absolutely fabulous babysitter, Adriene, and the boys had decorated the kitchen and made me a birthday cake. It was the sweetest surprise.

Mason's "car wash"

The cake the boys made!

Halloween 2010

We did another low-key Halloween this year. We had a toddler party at a friends. There were 5 families and we had about 12 kiddos (the oldest was 4 yr). We only went to a few houses but it took quite a while to get everyone through the line ensuring that all said "Trick or Treat" and "Thank You". Despite the fact that I forgot Ian's stick horse, Bullseye, and Mason's "jet pack" they still had a great time.